그 림 과 명 화

[스크랩] William James Glackens (American, 1870-1938)

bizmoll 2009. 1. 20. 16:17

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'그 림 과 명 화' 카테고리의 다른 글




William James Glackens
(American, 1870-1938)




Chez Mouquin
1.Chez Mouquin

La Villette
2.La Villette

On the Quai
3.On the Quai

Girl in a Black Cape
4.Girl in a Black Cape

Fruit Stand, Coney Island
5.Fruit Stand, Coney Island

Hammerstein's Roof Garden
6.Hammerstein's Roof Garden

Dancer in a Pink Dress
7.Dancer in a Pink Dress

Portrait of Charles FitzGerald
8.Portrait of Charles FitzGerald

Seated Actress with Mirror
9.Seated Actress with Mirror

Tugboat and Lighter
10.Tugboat and Lighter

Dancer in Blue
11.Dancer in Blue

Bal Bullier, No. 1
12.Bal Bullier, No. I

May Day in Central Park
13.May Day in Central Park

Central Park, Winter
14.Central Park, Winter

The Drive, Central Park
15.The Drive, Central Park

Café de la Paix
16.Café de la Paix

Under the Trees, Luxembourg Gardens
17.Under the Trees, Luxembourg Gardens

The Shoppers
18.The Shoppers

Breezy Day, Tugboats, New York Harbor
19.Breezy Day, Tugboats, New York Harbor

Nude with Apple
20.Nude with Apple

23 5th Avenue, Interior
21.Twenty-Three Fifth Avenue, Interior

Family Group
22.Family Group

The Artist's Wife and Son
23.The Artist's Wife and Son

Sledding, Central Park
24.Sledding, Central Park

Beach Side
25.Beach Side

Café Lafayette (Portrait of Kay Laurel)
26.Café Lafayette (Portrait of Kay Laurel)

Standing Girl in White Spats
27.Standing Girl in White Spats

Beach Umbrellas at Blue Point
28.Beach Umbrellas at Blue Point

Garden at Hartford
29.Garden at Hartford

Connecticut Landscape
30.Connecticut Landscape

Lenna Painting (The Artist's Daughter)
31.Lenna Painting (The Artist's Daughter)

Lenna in Chinese Costume
32.Lenna in Chinese Costume

The Bandstand
33.The Bandstand

The Artist's Wife Knitting
34.The Artist's Wife Knitting

Nude in a Green Chair (Unfinished)
35.Nude in Green Chair

Breakfast Porch
36.Breakfast Porch

Bowlers, La Ciotat
37.Bowlers, La Ciotat

Flowers in a Quimper Pitcher
38.Flowers in a Quimper Pitcher

Back of Nude
39.Back of Nude

Fête de Suquet
40.Fête de Suquet

Soda Fountain
41.Soda Fountain

William Glackens with daughter Lenna, 1914
William James Glackens




Special thanks to Encylopaedia Britannica 2004:

Born March 13, 1870, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Died May 22, 1938, Westport, Connecticut

William James Glackens was an American artist whose paintings of street scenes

and middle-class urban life rejected the dictates of 19th-century academic art

and introduced a matter-of-fact realism into the art of the United States.


Glackens studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

and at the same time worked as an illustrator for the Philadelphia Record,

the Public Ledger, and The Philadelphia Press.


In 1895 he spent a year in Paris and then settled in New York City,

where he worked as an illustrator for The New York Herald and the New York World.


He went to Cuba in 1898 to cover the Spanish-American War for McClure's Magazine.


While establishing his reputation as a graphic artist,

Glackens also began to paint in oils and was a regular participant

in the Pennsylvania Academy's annual exhibitions.


Hammerstein's Roof Garden (1901), a cabaret scene,

was his first important oil painting and was exhibited at the Allen Gallery in New York.


Glackens joined a group of artists who were also interested

in depicting contemporary life.


Robert Henri, with whom Glackens had traveled to Paris in 1895,

was the leader of this group, which included John Sloan,

George Luks, and Everett Shinn, as well as the more romantic painters

Ernest Lawson, Maurice Prendergast, and Arthur B. Davies.


Known as The Eight, they held one memorable exhibition in 1908,

but, because of diversity of viewpoints, they disbanded.


Among Glackens's major early paintings,

At Mouquin's (1905) shows a lively New York restaurant in a vivid

and robust manner. Later,

he became interested in Impressionism

and was particularly influenced by Pierre-Auguste Renoir.


During the last two decades of his life,Glackens became a regular traveler to Europe,

spending much of his time in Paris and the south of France.


His extensive knowledge of European art trends made him an especially

valuable adviser to the American collector Albert C. Barnes.



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