수 채 화

[스크랩] ♡ Jean-Marie Castellani ***수채화,유화 ♡

bizmoll 2009. 2. 7. 20:56


Jean-Marie Castellani

수채화와 유화
















Former Banker, Jean-Marie Castellani gave into his 15-year-old passion heart and soul.
“ My greatest pleasure is to create a piece that helps people to discover art so that they can express themselves if they so desire “ Born in 1947, Jean-Marie defines himself as an artisan of painting. He was self-taught although he worked alongside of several master painters. His profession is above all his passion and goes back to his childhood. “It was triggered when I was around 7 years old. I went to an artist studio with my mother in Aubagne.
I remember very well that the artist was using oils. It was like lightning struck and I began to paint and draw on my own.”
Since then, Castellani has not ceased to paint. In the beginning it was a weekend hobby since he worked in the banking system for 20-years. Then one day he decided to leave the bank where he was handling numbers to be handling paintbrushes instead.
" I wanted to become a full time painter”.
From being a good sketcher he was able to acquire the mastering of colors and paint through a long apprenticeship.
Reading and working with other artists allowed him to perfect his technique ; today, Castellani has tamed the colors by continual use of them.
..이하 생략.

[출처 - 늘 푸른솔]

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